Opera on water

A Harmonious Renaissance and Unprecedented Success


Revitalizing the Event Concept and
Elevating Aesthetics

1. Water: Crafted with flowing lines and a captivating lower half, the circle artfully embodied the ethereal essence of water, intricately connecting the event to its picturesque Danube setting.

2. Opera: Subtly interwoven into the design, the initial letter “O” of “Opera” became a subtle homage to the soul-stirring core of the event itself.

3. The Maestro: The portrait of the illustrious composer Giuseppe Verdi, adroitly embossed within the circle, added a touch of grandeur and tradition, evoking an irresistible air of elegance and distinction.


The revival of the cherished “Opera on Water” event proved to be an awe-inspiring journey of rediscovery and rejuvenation, effectively reigniting its cultural significance. Through our meticulously crafted minimalist design and transformative enhancements, such as the awe-inspiring amphitheater, we breathed new life into this beloved event.

The resoundingly positive reception, coupled with the unwavering support from sponsors, assures the enduring success and promising future of “Opera on Water,” cementing its position as a true cultural treasure in the heart of Belgrade.

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