Ocolo’s Quest for Virtual Excellence


Client: Ocolo

Industry: Virtual Tourism, Augmented Reality, and Video Production

The Results:

1.Elevated Brand Perception:

-Increased brand recognition by 30%

-Solidified position as an industry leader

2.Positive Client Feedback:

-25% increase in positive client feedback and referrals

3.Technological Leadership:

-Demonstrated commitment to innovation with 20% uptake in technological leadership perception

4.Surge in Enquiries and Projects:

-40% increase in client inquiries and new projects

1. Comprehensive Brand Design:

We extended the new brand design to a range of touchpoints, from business cards and promotional materials to digital assets, ensuring a consistent appearance across all mediums.


Our seamless blend of brand design, immersive website, and astute positioning has propelled Ocolo to the forefront of providing transformative virtual experiences, cementing its status as an industry trailblazer.

Elevate Your Brand
