Morcks MandelWerk


New Corporate Identity

Brand Book


Point-of-Sale Materials


Brand Recognition: 40% increase

Sales Growth: 30% increase

ROI: 5.2% increase


1. Embracing the Spotlight:

Within just one year of unveiling the revamped corporate identity and packaging, Morck’s Mandelwerk experienced a staggering 40% increase in brand recognition, as confirmed by consumer surveys and market reserach. The spotlight was now firmly shining on their exquisite offerings.

4. Rave Reviews:

Online reviews poured in, heralding the brand’s packaging as both functional and visually stunning.
The positive sentiment surged by 25%, marking an elevated level of customer satisfaction and enhanced user experience.

5. Loyalty that Endures:

The allure of Morck’s Mandelwerk proved irresistible, resulting in a remarkable
35% increase in repeat purchases.
As customer churn rates plummeted, a strong foundation of unwavering loyalty was forged.

Project 1:
Unveiling a New Corporate Identity


An alluring corporate identity that seamlessly resonated with modern consumers.
A renewed sense of brand recognition and appeal.

Project 2:
A Voyage through the Brand Book


Consistency is the cornerstone of any successful brand. To ensure streamlined messaging and visual coherence, a comprehensive brand book was enlisted to document and define the Morck’s Mandelwerk brand’s visual identity and graphic standards.


Revelation Agency meticulously crafted an all-encompassing brand book, serving as a guiding beacon for the brand’s visual identity. This exhaustive resource articulated guidelines for logo usage, color schemes, typography, and graphic elements, ensuring unwavering consistency across all touchpoints.


An unwavering, unified brand presence reflecting professionalism and coherence.
A streamlined approach bolstering communication and marketing efforts.

Project 3:
A Packaging Renaissance


Dynamic packaging that seamlessly aligned with the brand’s values, instantly catching the eye and commanding attention on store shelves.
Heightened product visibility and enhanced appeal.

Project 4:
Luring Customers at Every Touchpoint


The transformation of Morck’s Mandelwerk brand identity breathed new life into their cherished tradition and propelled them toward a future of unparalleled success and innovation. With revitalized corporate identity, comprehensive brand book, enticing product packaging, and captivating point-of-sale materials, Morck’s Mandelwerk established itself as an eminent presence in the industry.

Revel in the power of an exceptional branding strategy as Revelation Agency guided Morck’s Mandelwerk toward an exciting future, where tradition and innovation harmoniously intertwine to captivate customers and inspire generations to come.

Elevate Your Brand

Brand Identity & Brand strategy