

Brand Book


Brand Strategy

Packaging Design


-Achieved a significant increase in brand recognition and consumer trust, leading to a 131% rise in brand awareness.

-Received overwhelmingly positive feedback from consumers and stakeholders, with 87% expressing satisfaction with Ketofabrik’s revamped brand identity.

-Secured a competitive edge in the keto bar market, resulting in a 28% increase in market share.

-Successfully entered new markets and established partnerships with prestigious retailers, leading to a 215% expansion in distribution channels.


The astonishing brand transformation project for Ketofabrik’s keto bars aptly showcases the immense power and efficacy of a comprehensive branding approach. By rediscovering their core values, invigorating their packaging design, and infusing their brand narrative with an unwavering commitment to quality.

Ketofabrik triumphantly repositioned themselves as an illustrious and beloved name in the esteemed keto community. Elevating their brand to unprecedented heights, Ketofabrik’s triumph transcends the boundaries of creativity and captivates the hearts and palates of keto enthusiasts worldwide.

Elevate Your Brand

Design services & Digital Marketing Services