Brand Story

At least in the US, stories sell. If a consumer can connect with your brand on a deeper level, you have a far better chance to convert them into a customer. In short, a brand story is a narrative that communicates the ethos, values, and personality of a brand to its target audience. If done right, an emotional connection is made between the brand and the customer, fostering loyalty and trust- and hopefully increasing the lifetime value of your customer.

We all know people who are loyal to a brand and will not use any other option, no matter if it’s better or more affordable. Growing up (and to this day) my mother was adamant Crest toothpaste was the best and while I presume there is a minimal difference from the competition, she will not hear otherwise. 50+ years of buying the same toothpaste is what any brand would love to have from their customers.

A great brand story that sticks in my mind is from Toms Shoes. The founder, ironically not named Tom but Blake Mycoskie, witnessed children growing up without shoes on his travels to Argentina and was emotionally moved by the suffering this inflicted on them. In 2006 he created a shoe company that would donate a pair of shoes to a child for every pair it sold and was one of the early examples of social responsibility in the for-profit arena.

With this brand story, Toms shoes rocketed in sales as it made the customers feel they were supporting a positive cause, and now most corporations are keen to also promote their own form of sustainability.

Not every business may be situated to be as altruistic as Toms and that is okay, here are the key elements of a brand story and how to create one that will resonate with your target audience:

1. Define Your Brand’s Identity: Before you can create a brand story, you need to understand your brand’s identity. What are your brand’s values, mission, vision, and unique selling points? What sets your brand apart from competitors? This information forms the foundation of your brand story.

2. Understand Your Target Audience: To create a compelling brand story, you must know your target audience intimately. What are their needs, desires, and pain points? How can your brand address these effectively? Your brand story should resonate with your audience’s emotions and aspirations.

3. Craft a Narrative: A brand story should have a beginning, middle, and end. It often includes elements like the brand’s origin, the challenges it faced, and how it overcame them. You can also incorporate the founder’s journey or the evolution of the brand over time.

4. Highlight Values and Beliefs: Your brand story should reflect your brand’s core values and beliefs. If sustainability, innovation, or social responsibility are important to your brand, these should be woven into the narrative.

5. Showcase Authenticity: Authenticity is crucial in building trust with your audience. Avoid exaggerated claims or false narratives. Instead, focus on real stories and experiences that reflect your brand’s genuine character.

6. Use Emotion: Emotion is a powerful tool in storytelling. Use storytelling techniques to evoke emotions that resonate with your audience. Whether it’s humor, empathy, nostalgia, or inspiration, connect with your audience on an emotional level.

7. Consistency: Ensure that your brand story aligns with your brand’s messaging across all channels. Consistency helps reinforce your brand’s identity and message.

8. Visual and Verbal Elements: Use visual elements like logos, colors, and design to support your brand story. Your brand’s tone of voice in written and verbal communication should also align with the narrative.

9. Engage and Involve Your Audience: Encourage your audience to participate in your brand story. User-generated content, social media interactions, and customer testimonials can become part of your brand’s narrative.

10. Adapt and Evolve: A brand story isn’t static. As your brand grows and evolves, so should your story. Keep it relevant to your audience and your brand’s current values and offerings.

11. Tell it Everywhere: Share your brand story across various channels, including your website, social media, marketing materials, and in-person interactions. Make it accessible to your audience wherever they engage with your brand.

12. Measure Impact: Use metrics like brand sentiment, customer engagement, and sales to assess the impact of your brand story. Adjust your strategy based on the results and feedback from your audience.

Creating a brand story is an ongoing process that involves continuous refinement and adaptation. You will see the most effective companies use this to tap into their brand narrative and a great example is Land Rover. They showcased how a remote village in the Indian Himalayas still relies on 1950s Land Rovers to support the town with crucial supplies and food.

With all the mediums available to show off a brand these days, it’s essential to master this part of the storytelling process to ensure your brand will be around for years to come via a loyal following.

Author | Tyler Vaughn

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